
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feb 21 2011

Well... Here I am... I know that every new blogger has some post about how they are new to this and they are excited to write, ect, blah blah blah.  I'm doing this for me.  So if someone finds this and reads this, good for them.  Today was ... mostly plain... They are doing Doctor horrible auditions tomorrow... I don't know if I'll do it... I directed it last year at my high school... but... I don't know.... every time i think about it, i get so nervous that i want to throw up and explode... in that order XP I can act fine and all... i just cant sing... and the only girl part that they are casting is penny.  I know that someone else is going to come along that is a ton more talented than me... but you never know if you don't try... What have i got to lose? I dont know... I dont really want to think about it.  I just feel nervous and sick to my stomach.... I haven't told anyone yet that i'm considering auditioning... because when i dont get the part they'll want to throw sympathy all over me, and trust me, that stuff one, makes a huge mess, and two, is hard to get rid of.  I doubt anyone is reading this... but if you are... help?

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